Cristina & Rafa (Asturias, España) deciden unirse en 2018 para trabajar juntos y desde entonces no han parado de formarse como docentes con los mejores maestros del mundo de la Kizomba, entendiéndola desde su esencia y sus raíces.
Actualmente son profesores de referencia en Asturias, directores de Malembe Dance, escuela y sala de baile donde imparten sus clases y organizan asiduamente eventos en los que la Kizomba sea la principal protagonista. Les gusta trabajar desde el respeto y la humildad, y son reconocidos por su buena energía y trato familiar allá donde vayan y esté año los tenemos en el Azembora Tenerife Festival 2024 para disfrutar y compartir de la esencia…. y tú ya tienes tu full pass??
Cristina & Rafa (Asturias, Spain) decided to join in 2018 to work together and since then they have not stopped training as teachers with the best teachers in the world of Kizomba, understanding it from its essence and roots.
Currently they are reference teachers in Asturias, directors of Malembe Dance, school and dance hall where they teach their classes and regularly organise events in which Kizomba is the main protagonist. They like to work with respect and humility, and are known for their good energy and familiar treatment wherever they go and this year we have them at the Azembora Tenerife Festival 2024 to enjoy and share the essence…. and you already have your full pass?